
Short Description:

StudentQuiz enables students to collaboratively create their own question pools in Moodle. Students can filter these questions into quizzes, and they can rate and comment questions while working through the quizzes. StudentQuiz computes each students contribution and learning progress and compares this with the community. The created questions become part of the Moodle question bank and can be reused in other Moodle quizzes. 


Students like quizzes to prepare for exams. However, it’s hard to create all the questions need-ed for assessments and exams. That’s where the Moodle plugin StudentQuiz comes in. Stu-dentQuiz enables students to collaboratively create their own question pools within Moodle. This allows a better learning experience because knowledge is actively constructed by the learner, not just passively received from the environment. And even if an individual student contributes a few questions only, a larger cohort can easily build up an extensive question pool.
In StudentQuiz, learners can create individualised quizzes. They also add their feedback to each questions by rating and commenting while working through the quizzes. Students can see their personal learning progress, and they can compare their contribution and competence with their peer group. Furthermore, the created questions become part of the Moodle question bank and can be reused in standard Moodle quizzes.

The teacher can approve/disapprove questions, or hide or delete questions. The teacher can also configure:

  • whether students’ names are displayed or kept anonymous.
  • whether questions are published right away or have to be approved first.
  • the number of points assigned to questions contributed and answers given. 
  • what user roles to exclude from participation.
  • what questions types are allowed to be added to the pool.
  • whether students are enforced to rate questions.
  • whether students are enforced to comment questions.

The video StudentQuiz in a minute provides a quick introduction. There’s also the 16 mins  video Tutorial for Teachers.

StudentQuiz is available in many languages.

Guidelines for Installation

In order to install this plugin in Moodle you need to have administrative rights on the platform.

  1. Download the plugin from
  2. Login in Moodle with site wide administrative rights
  3. Click on Site Administration
  4. Select the Plugins tab
  5. Click on Install Plugins
  6. Under the “Install plugin from ZIP fileclick on Choose file and from the File Piker window click on Choose file.
  7. In the window titled “Open” navigate to the folder where the zipped file is located (that is the zipped file you downloaded in step 1) and click on Open
  8. Finally, click on install plugin from the zipped file and follow the steps.

StudentQuiz Settings

 1. Once StudentQuiz has been installed, to change the settings of the plugin go to Site Administration, then click on the Plugins tab and then click on plugins overview.

 2. Scroll in the list to find the StudentQuiz plugin and click on The following screen appears:

 3. In the StudentQuiz settings, under Ranking Settings you can change how many points are allocated when student published a question, approved a question, rated a question, answered a question etc. You can also exclude specific roles in ranking.

 4. Under Question Settings you can select the type of questions that will be available and select whether rating and commenting is enforced.

 5. Once done click on Save Changes

Official Website and link to download

Platform for Development

Moodle Plugin

Generated Content

Quizzes created by Students in Moodle