
Short Description:

Quizventure is an activity which makes an arcade-type game from multiple choice and matching questions in the Question bank. Possible answers come down the screen as spaceships and students have to shoot the correct one to gain points.


QuizVenture uses the questions from a question category in the Question bank. Two types of Questions can be used: multiple choice and matching questions

Guidelines for Installation

In order to install this plugin in Moodle you need to have administrative rights on the platform.

  1. Download the plugin from https://moodle.org/plugins/mod_quizgame
  2. Login in Moodle with site wide administrative rights
  3. Click on Site Administration
  4. Select the Plugins tab
  5. Click on Install Plugins
  6. Under the “Install plugin from ZIP fileclick on Choose file and from the File Piker window click on Choose file.
  7. In the window titled “Open” navigate to the folder where the zipped file is located (that is the zipped file you downloaded in step 1) and click on Open
  8. Finally, click on install plugin from the zipped file and follow the steps.

Official Website and link to download

Platform for Development

LMS: Moodle

Generated Content

Activity in Moodle