
Short Description:

GamiPress is a free WordPress gamification plugin. It enables you to incorporate features common in gameplay into websites, such as point systems and competition between users.

GamiPress is the easiest and the most effective WordPress plugin to gamify whatever you want and need on your website within a few minutes. It allows you to reward your users with different kinds of awards and badges for interacting on your website. Not only this, but you can also easily illustrate the achievements, organize the requirements, and select from a wide range of customizable assessment options to check if each requirement has been achieved successfully or not.

Thanks to GamiPress you can use gamification to incentivize any kind of interaction with your site. GamiPress enables you to create three types of digital rewards – points, achievements, and ranks.

  1. Points: users can collect various types of points by completing certain tasks on your site, then use them to “buy” other prizes.
  2. Achievements: usually taking the form of badges, achievements reward users for meeting certain requirements.
  3. Ranks: when users meet the criteria you’ve defined in a specific order, they can “level up” and earn higher ranks.

Each can be further broken down into multiple custom “types”. You can combine rewards and types in any way you want to create your own unique gamification system. Types or features are:

  • Automatic points awards and deductions: Easily configure automatic ways to award or deduct points to your users.

  • Custom requirements: Define conditional requirements the user needs to meet to unlock any achievement or rank.
  • Time limit requirements: Limit by time period when the user can complete a specific requirement (minutely, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly).
  • Drag and drop controls: Powerful controls to set up your gamification environment in minutes.
  • Unlock achievements and ranks using points: Let users optionally unlock any achievement or rank by expanding an amount of points without meeting the requirements.
  • Emails: Your users will get notified automatically about new awards.
  • Logs: Flexible log system with support for public and private logs.
  • Open Badges compatible: Connect your site achievements with Badge or Credly to issue open badges as an official recognition of the skills of your users.
  • Blocks, Shortcodes & Widgets: WordPress-friendly blocks, shortcodes and widgets to show the user points wallet, earned achievements, latest logs, and more.
  • Live shortcode editor: Missing a shortcode parameter? Just press the “GamiPress Shortcode” button and set up any shortcode without a worry.
  • Theme Agnostic: GamiPress works with just about any standard WordPress theme. No special hooks or theme updates are needed.
  • Templates System: Overwritable templates system to allow you customize everything you want through your GamiPress theme folder.
  • Data centralization on Multisite: Centralize all the data on multisite installs and show anything you want on any sub-site.
  • Rest API: Full support to WordPress rest API brings you new ways to connect GamiPress with external applications.
  • Developer-friendly: GamiPress is extremely flexible with plenty of hooks to add custom features and functionalities.


Besides the above features, this plugin provides some great add-ons that you can use to add more functionality to your website. Some of the major add-ons of this plugin are:

  • WooCommerce Points Gateway: Use GamiPress registered points type as a WooCommerce payment gateway.
  • Easy Digital Downloads Points Gateway: Use GamiPress registered points type as an EDD payment gateway.
  • Restrict Content: Configure several restrictions to any post or page.
  • Purchases: Allow your users to purchase points, achievements or ranks access.
  • Social Share: Award your users with digital rewards for sharing content from your website on social networks.
  • Leaderboards: Easily create, configure and add leaderboards on your website.
  • Progress Map: Easily create, configure and add progress maps on your website.
  • Notifications: Notify your users about new achievements, steps and/or points awards completion.

Your visitors will feel more inclined to return to your site, leave comments, make purchases, and more when they can earn rewards for doing so. GamiPress is an easy and free way to implement this strategy and boost engagement as well as brand loyalty. Overall, this makes gamification excellent for lead generation as well as user retention.


Related to eLearning, GamiPress could support education and training sites with virtual stickers for those students who are completing lessons. Additionally, playing games triggers the release of dopamine in our brains, which can cause visitors to associate positive emotions with virtual classrooms


GamiPress was created with the intention of designing websites according to gamification logic, but is easily adapted to become a platform for managing rewards or progression in levels in online and offline experiences. The plugin is free and allows you to experiment with different tools.

GamiPress is released under the AGPL-3.0 licence. This means that anyone can access the source code, modify it and extend it according to their needs. If you have the possibility of counting on the support of a developer, you can decide to integrate any type of function that your project may need. If you are not a developer but are familiar with the code, the project website offers many ready-to-use snippets (portions of code to customise the functioning of the software).

Developers are constantly working on security because scrolling several forums it seems that there are some problems integrating (API) with CNS or LMS apart from WordPress.

Guidelines for Installation


  • Navigate to Plugins -> Add new.
  • Click the button “Upload Plugin” next to “Add plugins” title.
  • Upload the downloaded zip file and activate it.


  • Upload the downloaded zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  • Unzip the uploaded zip file.
  • Navigate to Plugins menu on your WordPress admin area.

Official Website and link to download

Platform for Development

Generated Content