The debate is a moodle activity that allows students to debate on a given topic inside moodle. It is common in any face to face class that moderators or teacher or even employees are divided into group and they are asked to give their opinion or debate on a given topic. This plugin is the approach to take that whole scenario inside moodle.
Debate is an activity that you can add in a moodle course. It allows you to:
Create teams in debate activity: You can create multiple teams for a debate activity for positive and negative side for a group of users. You will need to use the groups feature inside the course, create groups and use those groups as a part of each team. Each team can have:
A name of the team.
Number of responses allowed for the team.
The side of the team, either positive or negative.
The selection of groups for each team will determine which user goes to which team.
Control the response from the users: These are the following options available when it comes to accepting response from the users:
Unlimited response – users can add as many positive and negative response as they want.
Allow one response on one side – only one response is allowed on any one side, either positive or negative.
Allow one response on each side – allow anyone to respond either on the positive or negative side.
Use debate teams – use teams feature instead which will control these for individual teams.
Control of activity completion of the module: These are the types of completion you can use:
User viewing the debate activity (and/or).
User submitting the required number of debate responses. (for example, the user will have to submit 2 responses to complete this module)
Debate also:
logs all types of activities inside the debate instance
Visiting a debate instance.
Adding a debate instance.
Updating a debate instance.
Deleting a debate instance.
Adding a debate response.
Updating a debate response.
Deleting a debate response.
introduces capabilities for users and other roles inside a course
Add a new debate instance: allows users to add a new debate activity inside the course.
View debate content: View the debate page where the actual debate will happen.
Delete any debate response: Allows moderators or teachers to delete debate responses from users.
Delete own debate response: Gives the user the capability to delete their own response.
Update own debate response: Gives the user the capability to update their own response.
. Manage debate teams: Gives a teacher or manager the capability to create, update Guidelines for installation and usage
Guidelines for Installation
In order to install this plugin in Moodle you need to have administrative rights on the platform.
Login in Moodle with site wide administrative rights
Click on Site Administration
Select the Plugins tab
Click on Install Plugins
Under the “Install plugin from ZIP file” click on Choose file and from the File Piker window click on Choose file.
In the window titled “Open” navigate to the folder where the zipped file is located (that is the zipped file you downloaded in step 1) and click on Open
Finally, click on install plugin from the zipped file and follow the steps.